Law and Order

MAY 2012

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SPECIAL REPORT Round-up of ALPR 14. 13. 13. NDI Technologies Inc. NDI's ALPR applications include mobile systems for patrol cars, portable covert systems and fixed systems. The company is the designer and proprietor of the Neural Network Technol- ogy-based "Talon" ALPR engine and is the only supplier owning two ALPR engines. NDI Recognition Systems provides a full range of ALPR software for fixed and mobile applications including "Veriplate," based on a Talon recognition engine that includes GPS mapping, real-time access to hot lists, and single click checking; "VISCE" with a platform to collect bulk hot lists from various sources, disseminate to the mobile ALPR vehicles, and facilitate the uploading of collected plate information; and "TALON," a highly efficient software for ALPR, typically better than 97 percent accurate. 14. Vigilant Video Capturing license plates, creating data re- cords, logging the capture attributes, and generating alert notifications are included in Vigilant Video's fixed and in-car appli- cations, using a system the manufacturer says has been designed starting at the end user's needs all the way back through the manufacturing process so the product is advanced, yet user-friendly. Vigilant Video is a video-analytics software development company that focuses on security enhance- ment applications. Off-the-shelf integration is also featured and the system can be customized to the user's specifications. The in-car camera sys- tem has a dual-lens combination housing for infrared and color cameras and needs only one point contact for power, video and camera control. Stephenie Slahor, Ph.D., J.D., writes in the fields of law enforcement and security. She can be reached at LaO Post your comments on this story by visiting Shop Smart 6HGDQ 3URGXFWV The introduction of so many new police package vehicles brings with it many variables to your job, especially when it FRPHV WR XS¿WWLQJ $W 3UR JDUG ZH XQGHUVWDQG WKDW \RX DUH ORRNLQJ IRU reduced cost, equipment solutions for your new ÀHHW Let us alleviate this impending part of the equation for you 2XU 8QLYHUVDO SDUWLWLRQV DQG SXVK EXPSHUV DUH GHVLJQHG WR EH WUDQVIHUDEOH IURP DQ\ FXUUHQW SROLFH SDFNDJH YHKLFOH WR DQRWKHU ZLWK WKH XVH RI D VLPSOH WUDQVIHU NLW :H DUH ZRUNLQJ YHU\ FORVHO\ with the OEMs to ensure that our equipment is compatible ZLWK DOO FXUUHQW LQFOXGLQJ ERWK Ford Interceptors) models in the PDUNHW Visit ZZZ SUR JDUG FRP SIP XQLYHUVDOBSURGXFWBLQIR DVS to find out how to switch your fleet WR WKHVH QHZ XQLYHUVDO SURGXFWV 800.480.6680 / / 689 3URGXFWV Think Universal. 50 LAW and ORDER I May 2012 STRONG | RELIABLE | SECURE Click on EInfo at - reader service #27

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